These technologies offer the possibility of obtaining further information when planning a diagnosis, since they provide an image in three dimensions of the bone and of the position of the patient’s teeth. They are mainly used to plan implant surgeries, surgery to remove wisdom teeth, orthodontic treatments, etc.

X-ray diagnosis system that offers digitalised images of any part of the mouth (one or various teeth). It is a quick safe procedure, with scant radiation, and that does not cause discomfort.

Electrical devices to fit implants, which help us to control the speed and the torque, thereby ensuring a correct drilling and insertion protocol.

Piezoelectrical device for osteotomies whose main characteristic is ultrasound technology that acts on hard tissue, but not on soft tissue. This is offered in surgery providing additional safety, facilitating a minimally invasive treatment and enabling a quicker recovery.

Device that emits laser light, enabling the cutting of soft tissue. It can be used in other types of treatment, such as gingival surgery, periodontology (decontamination and surgery), aphthas, herpes, sensitive teeth and even dental whitening.